

Our Business Generates more Business for other Businesses

We have combined Advertsing, Web Development, Email & Text Marketing and pre/post sales follow-up into one package.

The best part: ITS ALL AUTOMATED

See how we can tailor this machine to your business by viewing a demo today!

Advertise Your Business

Putting your product or service in front of the right people at the right time

Sales Automation

An Automated system that brings the through a sales process and delivers them to you in a nice tidy package.

Customer Nurturing

Keeping in touch with your customers is now as easy as a flip of a switch. Keeping your business top of mind.


Experts in online


We create your video and image ads that grabs attention and then put them in front of your customers using a powerful targeting software based on:

  • Search History
  • Location
  • Interests
  • Demographics


Landing Pages that convert

We create the landing pages that turn prospects into lifetime buyers for your business.

Unforgetablle offers and aestetics will make your business stand out.



Fully Automated

Automatically book leads and prospects to your calendar without lifting a finger.


Create text and email conversations with the goal of placing booked appointments on calendars WITHOUT any human interaction.


Close More Deals

Leads and Appointments delivered in a nice tidy package


With our built-in Pipeline Management feature, you can keep track of where the leads are and what stage they are in the sales funnel.

The Team

Brad Dahl

PPC Expert and Web Developer

Melanie Turner

Graphic Design

Jason Diets

Data Anaylist

Zander GrandPrah

Systems Developer

Case Studies

Daisy Dukes Restaurants

Daisy Dukes has had a 414% increase in sales the first month Echo Digital took over their marketing campaign.

During Covid when others were shutting down, Daisy dukes became the #1 restaurant in sales in Louisiana due to a combined effort with the restaurant and the marketing plan.

Archangel Insurance

Archangel Insurance trusted Echo Digital to manage their PPC Ad account and run automation. Taking control of the entire digital marketing plan.

Echo Digital created a marketingplan for $1500 a month.


Doubled the revenue of the business in 60 days.

Ran an email campaign that converted 19% of the current single plan customers to a multiplan discount.

FoodStar Distributing

Foodstar’s impression share grew from 18% to over 93% within first 30 days.

Increased conversion leads by 431% while reducing costs 40% resulting is increase in ROI by 1700% .

Significant increase in overall user experience resulting in 17% lower bounce rates and increased user session times of over 147%.

Submit a Request

We will call you in 20 mins. We answer all questions and tell about our services.




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We’re on a mission to build a better future